Guatemala Duraznito (Washed) 12oz Bag


Guatemala Duraznito (Washed) 12oz Bag



This coffee is one of 4 carefully selected day lots from Duraznito farmer community, cupped and separated by the Bella Vista quality team and curated by Royal for the first time. The number in the coffee’s title (17284) is the identification number used by the cuppers at Bella Vista to catalogue day lots from Hunapú farmers as their individual delivery days come through the lab for quality analysis. This specific lot has a molasses-like sweetness, with nectarine, passion fruit, and citrus zest, and a bright, thick body like a just-melted Madagascar chocolate bar. It is an always-welcome reminder that smallholder farms contain some of the best coffees in the world, and that partnerships between large and small actors in the coffee chain can create some serious value if they put their time into it.

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